Agenda, Sept 22, 4:00 p.m. (zoom)

UFC Agenda

– Sept 22, 2021 (4:00 p.m.; remote via Zoom)

I. Call to Order

II. Meeting Minutes

Approval of August 16 UFC Meeting Minutes

III. Reports

1. President Troy Paino
2. Provost Tim O’Donnell
3. College Deans
-Dean Pete Kelly, CoE CoE Report 9.20.21   
-Dean Keith Mellinger, CAS  
-Dean Ken Machande, CoB

4. Invited Report: Co-chairs, Public Health Advisory Working Group, Jeff McClurken and Dave Fleming; Questions submitted by CAS-FC

5. SGA Representative’s Report (Brianna Reeves) (no written report)
6. USC Representative’s Report (Justin Wilkes) (no written report)
7. UFC Chair’s Report (Kristin Marsh): report to BOV for 9.17.21 meeting
8. UFC Vice Chair’s Report (Rachel Graefe-Anderson) (no written report)
9. Faculty Senate of Virginia Report (Marcel Rotter) (no written report)

10. University Committees – minutes, reports, and action items
University Academic Affairs Committee Minutes 9.9.21
University Budget Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 8.30.21 (winner: best looking minutes award)
University Curriculum Committee Minutes 9.17.21
University Faculty Affairs Committee Minutes 8.23.21
University Faculty Organization Committee UFOC Minutes 9.10.21 UFOC Action Item 9.10.21
University General Education Committee
University Sabbaticals, Fellowships & Faculty Awards Committee
University Student Affairs & Campus Life Advisory Committee
Bachelor of Liberal Studies (BLS) Committee Minutes 8.3.21
Digital Intensive Committee Minutes 8.17.21; Minutes 9.14.21 Action Items
Distance and Blended Learning Committee Minutes 8.23.21; Minutes 9.13.21
First Year Seminar Committee Minutes 9.2.21
Honors Program Committee Minutes 9.9.21
James Farmer Multicultural Center Advisory Committee; Minutes 9.8.21
Journalism Advisory Committee
Speaking Intensive Committee Action Items and Draft Minutes 9.14.21
Teaching Center Advisory Committee
Writing Intensive Committee – University Faculty Council ( Meeting Minutes 8.25.21  Action Items 8.25.21

IV. Committee Action Items

V. Unfinished Business

  1. Consideration of expanding off-contract governance business (brought my KMarsh at 8.16 meeting; postpone until after discussion of V. 1. below (classroom contact tracing)

VI. New Business

  1. (This meeting) Discussion of new classroom contact tracing protocols for Coronavirus.
  2. (Perhaps for future meeting) (a) Discussion of UFC leadership elections (timing, especially for chair, for planning hire-behinds and encouraging shadowing of chair). (b) do we need to consider tension between lower expected enrollments, our course load expectations, and system of rewarding service in context of an outdated course load?

VII. Announcements

The next regularly scheduled UFC meeting is on October 20, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. (via Zoom).

VIII. Adjournment

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