- The Budget Advisory Committee meets monthly on: 8/20, 9/20, 10/4, 11/15.
- Representatives of departments or areas that would like UBAC to advocate on their behalf may request a meeting using this form.
- Guests will be scheduled first come, first serve for meetings held on 8/20, 9/20, 10/4, 11/15 from 12:00-1:00 PM via Zoom.
- Requests that cannot be accommodated in the same month will be scheduled for the next month.
- Approved meeting request will provide approximately 15 minutes for the requestor to “make their ask” of the committee.
- Meeting requests made after November cannot be included in the committee’s recommendations, which are submitted on December 1, 2024.
- Meetings in the spring semester will be schedule as required.
- At-Large
- 2025 Dan Hubbard (Associate Professor, CAS)
- 2025 Drew Delaney (Senior Lecturer, CAS) Chair
- 2026 Scott Gerseny (Lecturer, CAS) Secretary
- 2027 Marisa Martinez-Mira (Associate Professor, CAS)
- College Representatives
- 2025 Smita Jain Oxford (Senior Lecturer, COB)
- COE will not place a member on this committee at this time
- CAS has not placed a member on this committee at this time
- USC Representatives
- Kim McManus-Carini (Accounts Receivable Manager and Bursar)
- Tracey Funtanilla (Senior Accountant)
- Kristina Peck (Director of Clinical Experiences and Partnerships)
- Athletics Representative
- Patrick Catullo (Director of Athletics)
- SGA Representative
Minutes Archive
2.6.2 The committee’s duties are to:
.1 Work in an advisory fashion with the Provost and Chief Academic Officer (CAO), the Vice President for Administration and Finance (CFO), the Vice President for Advancement and University Relations on short- and long-term University budget priorities, broadly conceived, including planning, the operating budget and capital improvements, fundraising, and development. The recommendations for priorities will be communicated to the President via the CFO or the CAO;
.2 Indicate the committee’s priorities for the present budgeting year through an annual review process and summarize their priorities on future budgets to the CFO, CAO, and the UFC in a report due no later than mid-November;
.3 Communicate the committee’s recommendations to the UFC in a report no later than the beginning of December and the results of the President’s decisions to the UFC in a report as soon as possible;
.4 In times of financial exigency, the Budget Advisory Committee assists the President, Provost, and Vice Presidents in developing principles and setting priorities for budget reductions; and
.5 Perform other duties as assigned by the University Faculty Council.