
The UFC will alternate modality (virtual vs. face-to-face) for its monthly meetings for AY 2023-2024.  Below is the meeting schedule with modality noted for each. August 22, 4pm – In Person (202 Woodard) September 20, 4pm – Zoom October 18, 4pm – In Person (location TBD) November 15, 4pm – Zoom January 24, 4pm – In Person (HCC Digital Auditorium) February 21, 4pm – Zoom March 20, 4pm – In Person (HCC Digital Auditorium) April 17, 4pm – Zoom A full listing of scheduled faculty and committee meeting dates can be found here: Schedule of Faculty and Committee Meeting Dates 2023-2024   UFC membership for 2023-2024: College of Arts & Sciences – Arts & Humanities (3 representatives 2024 – Kate Haffey 2025 – Mara Scanlon 2026 – Michael Benson College of Arts & Sciences – Health, PE, & STEM (3 representatives) 2024 – Ian Finlayson 2025 – Davis Oldham – Vice Chair 2026 – Alex Hinsey College of Arts & … [Read more...]

UFC Agenda August 19 (12-3pm, Jepson Alumni Board Room) Working Draft

August 19 UFC Draft Agenda Outline - AY 2022/2023 Lunch (45 minutes) Election of Secretary (5 minutes) Provost Update (5-10 minutes) Admissions, Marketing, and Enrollment Updates Other Approve DBLC April 25 Meeting Minutes (2 minutes) SACSCOC Accreditation and QEP - Kimberly Young (30 minutes) Curriculum Workflow, Processes, and Deadlines (10 minutes) Faculty Workload and Morale (30 minutes) Discuss faculty governance structure/restructuring to remove redundancy; unravel complexities of shared faculty governance system  Strategic Direction and New/Upcoming Challenges (30 minutes) How to shift resources in the direction of changing program needs?  What else can we do? Early retirement? Interdisciplinary programs/Collaborations? Further integrate academics with CCE? Additional old business (Remaining Time) Finalize Midterm eval/grades discussion Revisit pre-COVID discussion on DFW courses – how … [Read more...]

Meeting Agenda – August 16, 2022 (3:30-5pm, HCC Digital Auditorium)

August 16, 2022 (3:30-5pm, HCC Digital Auditorium) This is a special UFC planning meeting. As always, the UFC meeting is open to all. University and standing committee officers are especially encouraged to attend, as we will discuss faculty governance for the coming year. Meeting Agenda I. Call to Order, 3:00 p.m. (Rachel Graefe-Anderson) II. Welcome to new UFC members and University committee leadership (3 minutes) III. Approval of minutes, April 13, 2021  (2 minutes) IV. Election of Vice Chair (2 minutes) V. Election of Secretary (5 minutes) VI. UFC representative to UCC (5 minutes) VII. On-line course approvals, from Distance & Blended Learning Committee (10 minutes) VIII. Discuss meeting modalities and timing (15 minutes) IX. Discuss agenda for Friday August 19 retreat (5 minutes) X. Additional points of discussion/questions? (remaining time) XI. Adjournment 5pm … [Read more...]

UFC agenda, 4.13.22

UFC Agenda: – April 13, 2022 (4:00 p.m.; remote via Zoom) I. Call to Order, Kristin Marsh II. Meeting Minutes Approval of  March 9, 2022 UFC Meeting Minutes III. Reports 1. President Troy Paino 2. Provost Tim O’Donnell 3. College Deans -Dean Pete Kelly, CoE (written report) -Dean Keith Mellinger, CAS -Dean Ken Machande, CoB 4. SGA Representative’s Report (Brianna Reeves) (introduction of SGA President-elect) 5. USC Representative’s Report (Justin Wilkes) Report to BOV 6. UFC Chair’s Report (K Marsh) Report to BOV; BOV resolution in honor of Gwen Hale; UFC chair's request for admin clarity on policy regarding multiple modalities 7. UFC Vice Chair’s Report (Rachel Graefe-Anderson) 8. Parliamentarian and FSVA Representative (Marcel Rotter) 9. University Committees – UFC acceptance of Minutes/Reports –University Academic Affairs Committee (minutes) –University Budget Advisory Committee) (FINAL REPORT) –Univ Curriculum Committee (minutes 3.25.22) –Univ … [Read more...]

UFC Agenda 3.9.22

UFC Agenda--working – March 9, 2022 (4:00 p.m.; remote via Zoom) I. Call to Order, Kristin Marsh II. Meeting Minutes Approval of  February 2, 2022 UFC Meeting Minutes III. Reports 1. President Troy Paino 2. Provost Tim O’Donnell (written report) 3. College Deans -Dean Pete Kelly, CoE -Dean Keith Mellinger, CAS -Dean Ken Machande, CoB 4. SGA Representative’s Report (Brianna Reeves) 5. USC Representative’s Report (Justin Wilkes) 6. UFC Chair’s Report (K Marsh) Report to BOV ; announcement from Debra; concerns about teaching modalities   7. UFC Vice Chair’s Report (Rachel Graefe-Anderson) 8. Parliamentarian and FSVA Representative (Marcel Rotter) 9. University Committees – UFC acceptance of Minutes/Reports –University Academic Affairs Committee (minutes) –University Budget Advisory Committee (approved minutes from 1.31.22 meeting; minutes 2.7.2022) –University Curriculum Committee ) –University Faculty Affairs Committee (Minutes, Feb … [Read more...]

UFC Agenda, 2.2.22

UFC Agenda – Feb 2, 2022 (4:00 p.m.; remote via Zoom) I. Call to Order, K Marsh II. Meeting Minutes Approval of December 1, 2021 UFC Meeting Minutes III. Reports 1. President Troy Paino 2. Provost Tim O’Donnell 3. College Deans -Dean Pete Kelly, CoE, written report -Dean Keith Mellinger, CAS -Dean Ken Machande, CoB 4. SGA Representative’s Report (Brianna Reeves) 5. USC Representative’s Report (Justin Wilkes) 6. UFC Chair’s Report (K Marsh) Welcoming Dr. Shavonne Shorter; UFC Exec meeting w/Provost 7. UFC Vice Chair’s Report (Rachel Graefe-Anderson) 8. Parliamentarian and FSVA Representative (Marcel Rotter); Legislative Report from FSVA 9. University Committees – UFC acceptance of Minutes/Reports –University Academic Affairs Committee (minutes) –University Budget Advisory Committee (minutes 11.29.22 minutes 11.22.21 –University Curriculum Committee (minutes 11.19.21; also posted as action items below) –University Faculty Affairs Committee (No minutes or … [Read more...]

Agenda, Sept 22, 4:00 p.m. (zoom)

UFC Agenda – Sept 22, 2021 (4:00 p.m.; remote via Zoom) I. Call to Order II. Meeting Minutes Approval of August 16 UFC Meeting Minutes III. Reports 1. President Troy Paino 2. Provost Tim O'Donnell 3. College Deans -Dean Pete Kelly, CoE CoE Report 9.20.21    -Dean Keith Mellinger, CAS   -Dean Ken Machande, CoB 4. Invited Report: Co-chairs, Public Health Advisory Working Group, Jeff McClurken and Dave Fleming; Questions submitted by CAS-FC 5. SGA Representative’s Report (Brianna Reeves) (no written report) 6. USC Representative’s Report (Justin Wilkes) (no written report) 7. UFC Chair’s Report (Kristin Marsh): report to BOV for 9.17.21 meeting 8. UFC Vice Chair's Report (Rachel Graefe-Anderson) (no written report) 9. Faculty Senate of Virginia Report (Marcel Rotter) (no written report) 10. University Committees – minutes, reports, and action items –University Academic Affairs Committee Minutes 9.9.21 –University Budget Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes … [Read more...]

Agenda, August 16, 2021

UFC Agenda – August 16, 2021 (3-4:30, via Zoom) This is a special UFC planning meeting. As always, the UFC meeting is open to all. University and standing committee officers are especially encouraged to attend, as we will discuss faculty governance for the coming year. Meeting Agenda I. Call to Order, 3:00 p.m. (Kristin Marsh) II. Welcome to new UFC members and University committee leadership (3 minutes) III. Approval of minutes, April 14, 2021  (2 minutes) IV. Faculty Governance Organizational discussion: Faculty Governance and relationship between UFC & University committees, including suggestions for timing of committee meetings. (also see Guidelines for meeting minutes and Guidelines for posting minutes/reports) (7 minutes) Discussion of UFC website; re-design ideas for user-friendly access to information are welcomed. (5 minutes) V. Faculty Senate of Virginia. Please consider taking on a representative role. Meetings are just twice a year, … [Read more...]

2021-2022 UFC Membership and Meeting Materials

2021-2022 Meeting Dates Mon, August 16, 2021, 3:00-4:30, Organizational Meeting, (via Zoom) Meeting Agenda Approved Minutes Wed, September 22, 2021, 4:00-5:30, Zoom Meeting Agenda Approved Minutes Wed, October 20, 2021, 4:00-5:30, Zoom Meeting Agenda Approved Minutes Wed, December 1, 2021, 4:00-5:30 Zoom Meeting Agenda Approved Minutes Wed, February 2, 2022, 4:00-5:30 Meeting Agenda Approved Minutes Wed, March 9, 2022, 4:00-5:30 Meeting Agenda Approved Minutes Wed, April 13, 2022, 4:00-5:30 Meeting Agenda Draft Minutes 2021- 2022 Approved Minutes Approved Minutes August 16, 2021 Approved Minutes September 22, 2021 Approved Minutes October 20, 2021 Approved Minutes December 1, 2021 Approved Minutes February 2, 2022 Approved Minutes March 9, 2022 Motions and other Actions Approved by UFC, 2021-2022 April 13, 2022 Meeting: University Curriculum … [Read more...]

UFC Agenda – April 14, 2021

April 14, 2021 UFC Meeting (4:00PM; remote via Zoom) I. Call to Order II. Meeting Minutes UFC Meeting--Draft Minutes--March 31 2021 Minutes approved. III. Reports 1. President Paino 2. Provost Mikhalevsky 3. College Deans -Dean Pete Kelly, CoE    -Dean Keith Mellinger, CAS -Dean Lynne Richardson, CoB 5. SGA Representative’s Report (Kyree Ford)   6. USC Representative's Report (Michelle Pickham) 7. UFC Chair's Report (Andrew Dolby) 8. UFC Vice Chair’s Report (Ken Machande) 9. Faculty Senate of Virginia (Marcel Rotter) 10. University Committees – minutes, reports, and action items -University Academic Affairs Committee .         Meeting minutes March 11 -University Budget Advisory Committee .         Meeting minutes March 25 .         Meeting minutes April 1 .          Athletics presentation -University Curriculum Committee .          no report -University Faculty Affairs Committee .          Meeting minutes April 1 .          Memorandum of … [Read more...]