UFC Agenda–working
– March 9, 2022 (4:00 p.m.; remote via Zoom)
I. Call to Order, Kristin Marsh
II. Meeting Minutes
Approval of February 2, 2022 UFC Meeting Minutes
III. Reports
1. President Troy Paino
2. Provost Tim O’Donnell (written report)
3. College Deans
-Dean Pete Kelly, CoE
-Dean Keith Mellinger, CAS
-Dean Ken Machande, CoB
4. SGA Representative’s Report (Brianna Reeves)
5. USC Representative’s Report (Justin Wilkes)
6. UFC Chair’s Report (K Marsh) Report to BOV ; announcement from Debra; concerns about teaching modalities
7. UFC Vice Chair’s Report (Rachel Graefe-Anderson)
8. Parliamentarian and FSVA Representative (Marcel Rotter)
9. University Committees – UFC acceptance of Minutes/Reports
–University Academic Affairs Committee (minutes)
–University Budget Advisory Committee (approved minutes from 1.31.22 meeting; minutes 2.7.2022)
–University Curriculum Committee )
–University Faculty Affairs Committee (Minutes, Feb 2022)
–University Faculty Organization Committee (minutes 1.10.22)
–University General Education Committee (minutes Feb 23)
–University Sabbaticals, Fellowships & Faculty Awards Committee (no minutes/reports)
–University Student Affairs & Campus Life Advisory Committee (Feb 2022 minutes)
–Bachelor of Liberal Studies (BLS) Committee (minutes )
–Digital Intensive Committee (no minutes)
–Distance and Blended Learning Committee (minutes Feb 2022 ])
– First Year Seminar Committee (Minutes)
–Honors Program Committee (Minutes Feb 2022)
–James Farmer Multicultural Center Advisory Committee (no minutes)
–Journalism Advisory Committee (minutes 22)
–Speaking Intensive Committee (Feb minutes)
–Teaching Center Advisory Committee (no minutes or reports)
–Writing Intensive Committee (Feb 16 2022) (Minutes Feb 16 2022)
IV. Committee Action Items for UFC Approval (Curricular Approvals
-Proposal to vote on action items electronically.
V. Unfinished Business
- Open Discussion on Faculty Workload and Morale. (a) Should we consider faculty governance structural changes to streamline approvals and reduce redundancies in our workload? Can each college look internally at service load redundancies? (b) To what extent is poor morale related to continued strain of the long-pandemic?
VI. New Business
- Clarifying Policy on Distance and Blended Learning and offering a diverse range of modalities.
- Claiming our Place in Higher Education. Opening faculty discussion on multiple issues facing UMW and liberal arts education in the mid-21st century. Central question: How can we provide the best public liberal arts experience? Where does distance learning fit in? How does community engagement play a role? And how can we emphasize inclusion of diverse communities as a through-line in our future plans?
VII. Announcements
- The next regularly scheduled UFC meeting is Wednesday, April 13, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. (via Zoom).
VIII. Adjournment
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