Oct. 21, 2020 UFC Meeting (4:00PM; remote via Zoom)
I. Call to Order
II. Meeting Minutes
Draft Minutes – September 23, 2020 UFC Meeting
III. Reports
1. President Paino
2. Provost Mikhalevsky
3. College Deans
-Dean Pete Kelly, CoE
-Dean Keith Mellinger, CAS
-Dean Lynne Richardson, CoB
4. SGA Representative’s Report (Kyree Ford)
5. SAC Representative’s Report (Michelle Pickham)
6. UFC Chair’s Report (Andrew Dolby)
7. UFC Vice Chair’s Report (Ken Machande)
8. Faculty Senate of Virginia (Marcel Rotter)
9. University Committees – minutes, reports, and action items
–University Academic Affairs Committee
no report
–University Budget Advisory Committee
no report
–University Curriculum Committee
. Meeting minutes October 19
–University Faculty Affairs Committee
. Meeting minutes October 8
–University Faculty Organization Committee
no report
–University General Education Committee
. Action Items October 5 2020
–University Sabbaticals, Fellowships & Faculty Awards Committee
. Meeting minutes September 7
–University Student Affairs & Campus Life Advisory Committee
. Meeting minutes October 12
–Bachelor of Liberal Studies (BLS) Committee
. Meeting minutes September 22
–Distance and Blended Learning Committee
. Meeting minutes October 2
–First Year Seminar Committee
. Meeting minutes from October 2
–Honors Program Committee
. Action Items October
–James Farmer Multicultural Center Advisory Committee
. Meeting minutes October 8
. Programming Report, October 2020
–Journalism Advisory Committee
no report
–Speaking Intensive Committee
. Action Items October 14
–Teaching Center Advisory Committee
no report
–Writing Intensive Committee
. Meeting minutes October 5
. Action Items from October 5
IV. Unfinished Business
1. J-term assessment (will be referred to Office of Institutional Analysis and Effectiveness and UAAC)
V. New Business
1. Digital Intensive Committee (ad hoc) Action Item
2. University General Education Committee Action Items
3. Honors Committee Action Items
4. Speaking Intensive Committee Action Items
5. Writing Intensive Committee Action Items
Items 1-5 approved.
6. UFC approval and committee reporting processes for curriculum change approvals via CIM. (process and timeline not finalize and will be discussed further)
7. Test Choice COVID Policy for Fall 2021
8. CASFC motion to the UFC on instituting alternative grading for Fall 2020
Amended motion passed.
Substitute motion passed on November 2. This substitute motion clarifies the intention of the UFC to extend the alternative scale policies applied during the spring and summer 2020 terms (letter grade equivalencies and autonomy of individual colleges and departments to specify alternative scale parameters for courses in their programs).
Instruction and further guidance from the Registrar’s Office will be circulated to students and faculty.
9. Staff Advisory Council representation in university shared governance structure (will be referred to affected advisory committees for their recommendation)
10. Creation of standing advisory Digital Intensive Committee (will be referred to current ad hoc committee).
VI. Announcements
- Faculty are reminded that all classes, except for laboratories and classes that meet on Tuesdays only, are canceled on Election Day, November 3. Students are encouraged to participate in Day On Democracy activities in lieu of class.
- The next regularly scheduled UFC meeting is on December 2, 2020 at 4:00PM
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