2018-2019 UFC Approved Minutes








Motions Approved by UFC, 2018-2019

September 26th Meeting:

  1. Honors program committee: Action items September 18: unanimously approved by UFC; Action item September 22: unanimously approved by the UFC.
  2. Writing intensive committee: Action Item April 2018 unanimously approved by UFC; Action Item September 2018 unanimously approved by the UFC.

October 24th Meeting:

  1. General Education Committee: Action Item October 23 Gives HES credit to students enrolled in HISP 100 in fall 2018 only. Approved.
  2. Speaking Intensive Committee: Action Item September 25 and Action Item October 15 (regular business) The UFC unanimously passed these motions.
  3. Budget advisory committee: UFC charges the UFOC to the review the charges of the budget advisory committee in consultation with Jackie and recommendations from former members. This motion unanimously was approved by the UFC.

November 28th Meeting:

  1. University Faculty Affairs Committee motion regarding faculty marshals: A motion Language describing the number, role and service period of faculty marshals. Provost Mikhalevsky suggested a friendly amendment to include a start date for 2019. Anand Rao also pointed out that this will be in the faculty handbook for next year. Motion passed UFC unanimously.
  2. University Academic Affairs Committee Action Item Nov 12: Modification to policy on recording, to specify that lecture notes and assignments may not be distributed. Motion passed UFC unanimously.
  3. University Curriculum Committee Minutes November 7: all curriculum changes were approved.
  4. Distance and blended learning committee: New proposal for teaching majority online courses; this proposal is streamlined to make the process more efficient and explicitly addresses accessibility issues. Motion passed UFC unanimously.
  5. Honors Program Committee: Action Items November 13 (regular business). The action items passed the UFC unanimously.
  6. Speaking Intensive Committee: Action Item November 26 (regular business). The action items passed the UFC unanimously.
  7. Writing Intensive Committee: Action Items October 18 and Action Items November 14 (regular business). The action items passed the UFC unanimously.

January 30th, 2019 Meeting:

  1. University Academic Affairs Committee: UMW guidelines on open and affordable educational resources (a response to Virginia State Legislature HB 454): Faculty are encouraged to give serious consideration to adopting OER or Low-Cost Commercially Published Materials for texts and other course materials in their courses. Note the following friendly amendment: the motion should say “Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies”. This motion unanimously was approved by the UFC.
  2. University Curriculum Committee: all curriculum changes were approved.
  3. Honors Program Committee:  Action Items Nov 30 and Jan 22 (regular business). UFC unanimously approved these action items.
  4. Writing Intensive Committee Action Item Jan 22 (regular business). UFC unanimously approved these action items.

February 27th, 2019 Meeting:

  1. Motion for electronic ballot on general education curriculum: At the 3/27/2019 UFC meeting, the UFC will finalize timing for electronic vote. There was a friendly amendment to remove the date from the motion. Only full-time instructional faculty can vote. UFC unanimously passed this motion (without a date in the motion per the friendly amendment).
  2. University Faculty Affairs Committee: Three motions to bring the Faculty Handbook in line with new state laws:
    1. Parental Leave
    2. Sabbatical Leave
    3. Sick & Disability Leave. Friendly amendments made to the sick and disability leave. Medical condition resulted from childbirth is not an illness; make friendly amendments to the writing of the sick and disability leave. UFC passed motions passed unanimously with the friendly amendment to the sick and disability leave policy.
  3. Honors Program Committee: Action Item Jan 28 – regular business Action Item Feb 22 – regular business. UFC unanimously approved these action items.
  4. Speaking Intensive Committee: Action Item Jan 30 – regular business. Action Item Feb 14 – regular business. UFC unanimously approved these action items.

March 27th, 2019 Meeting:

  1. Action Items from the University Academic Affairs Committee:
    1. Action Item: Revised appeals process identifying a committee to adjudicate who may walk at graduation. Unanimously approved by the UFC.
    2. Action Item: Internships in Academic Departments: the faculty member evaluating the internship and shall not serve simultaneously as the site supervisor. Unanimously approved by the UFC.
  2. Regalia at commencement: Motion (submitted by Gallagher/Rao) to allow advisers/supervisors to give permission to student groups to wear appropriate commencement garb. 6 yes; 7 opposed. UFC did not pass this motion. Appeals for different academic regalia will need to be assigned to an existing or a new committee.
  3. Day on Democracy: The UFC voted on two motions:
      1. Express our support for the fundamental ideas outlined by the student group Citizens United. Unanimously approved by the UFC.
      2. To cancel all regularly-scheduled lecture and seminar meetings on Election Day each November. Courses that meet once per week (i.e., on Tuesday evenings) and laboratory meetings will be exempt from this policy; faculty teaching these courses will be at their discretion on whether to convene as usual. 13 in favor; 5 opposed. UFC passed the motion.  
  4. Proposed General Education Curriculum: The UFC passed all sections of the proposed General Education Curriculum.
  5. Electronic Vote Motion:  The Gen Ed secure ballot will be sent to full-time instructional faculty, per section 2.1.4 of the Faculty Handbook regarding Voting Privileges at Meetings of the General Faculty. As a vote of the faculty, the results of this vote are binding and not reviewable at the April General Faculty meeting. The ballot will be distributed via Qualtrics, which will allow for an anonymous vote while ensuring that: 1) only full-time faculty vote, and 2) quorum is met. The electronic ballot will be made available for faculty vote for a minimum of three business days. The results will be shared with all faculty upon completion of the vote. UFC passed this motion unanimously.

April 15th, 2019 Meeting:

  1. Journalism Advisory Committee:
    1. Presented a revised “Blue & Gray Press Statement of Policy”. UFC endorsed the statement, after friendly amendments.
    2. Action Item – requesting support for the current level of funding for the Blue & Gray Press.  Motion passed.
  2. Regalia petitions: students will appeal commencement regalia rules. This motion suggested that appeals be adjudicated by the committee considering whether students may participate in commencement without having earned 120 credits; UFC approved (9 yes, one no).
  3. University Academic Affairs Committee:
    1. Action Item: a revision to the attendance and absences policy. Move to accept the scheduled and unscheduled absences as is: 12 yes; 3 no. Motion passed
    2. Action Item: a revision to the test optional policy – passed unanimously
    3. Discussion of Graduate Commencement. The UFC recommended that graduate commencement no longer be held as a separate ceremony after 2019; instead, separate hooding ceremonies will be held. Graduate students may participate in undergraduate commencement if they wish. Motion passed.