April 14, 2021 UFC Meeting (4:00PM; remote via Zoom)
I. Call to Order
II. Meeting Minutes
UFC Meeting–Draft Minutes–March 31 2021
Minutes approved.
III. Reports
1. President Paino
2. Provost Mikhalevsky
3. College Deans
-Dean Pete Kelly, CoE
-Dean Keith Mellinger, CAS
–Dean Lynne Richardson, CoB
5. SGA Representative’s Report (Kyree Ford)
6. USC Representative’s Report (Michelle Pickham)
7. UFC Chair’s Report (Andrew Dolby)
8. UFC Vice Chair’s Report (Ken Machande)
9. Faculty Senate of Virginia (Marcel Rotter)
10. University Committees – minutes, reports, and action items
–University Academic Affairs Committee
. Meeting minutes March 11
–University Budget Advisory Committee
. Meeting minutes March 25
. Meeting minutes April 1
. Athletics presentation
–University Curriculum Committee
. no report
–University Faculty Affairs Committee
. Meeting minutes April 1
. Memorandum of Concern
–University Faculty Organization Committee
. Meeting minutes April 6
–University General Education Committee
. Meeting minutes March 29
. Action items March 29
–University Sabbaticals, Fellowships & Faculty Awards Committee
. no report
–University Student Affairs & Campus Life Advisory Committee
. Meeting minutes April 2
–Bachelor of Liberal Studies (BLS) Committee
. no report
–Distance and Blended Learning Committee
. Approved one majority online course for fall (posted in CIM – item #84)
–First Year Seminar Committee
. no report
–Honors Program Committee
. Action item April 9
–James Farmer Multicultural Center Advisory Committee
. Meeting minutes April 2
–Journalism Advisory Committee
. no report
–Speaking Intensive Committee
. no report
–Teaching Center Advisory Committee
. no report
–Writing Intensive Committee
. no report
All committee minutes and reports accepted.
IV. Unfinished Business
V. New Business
1. Motion from Anand Rao: The UFC requests that the administration create a policy to pay salary increases retroactively to any faculty member that delays applying for tenure or promotion due to Covid-19 and subsequently receives tenure and/or promotion.
Motion approved.
2. General Education Committee action items approved on March 29
3. Distance and Blended Learning Committee action time approved on April 3 (proposal posted in CIM – item #84)
4. Honors Committee action items approved on April 9 (proposal posted in CIM – item #83)
Action items 2-4 approved.
5. Election of new Executive Committee
2021-22 Executive Committee:
Kristin Marsh – Chair
Rachel Graefe-Anderson – Vice-Chair
Andrew Dolby – Past Chair
Ian Finlayson – Secretary
Marcel Rotter – Parliamentarian
6. Planning for the 2021-22 academic year (UFC meeting time and format; August governance organizational meeting; Meeting with new SGA representatives)
Faculty governance organizational meeting will be held in August. UFC members agreed that some remote meetings via Zoom would be advantageous next year. Andrew, Kristin, and Rachel will invite newly elected 2021-22 SGA leaders to meet before the end of the academic year to plan for next year.
IV. Announcements
1. The final General Faculty meeting is scheduled for April 28 at 4:00pm. Challenges to UFC actions taken during the 2020-21 academic year must be submitted to Martha Link by 5:00PM on April 16.
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