UFC Agenda – January 29, 2020

I. Call to Order

II. Meeting Minutes –

UFC Meeting – Draft Minutes – December 4 2019

III. Reports

  1. President Paino
    1. Report to the UFC – January 2020
  2. Provost Mikhalevsky
  3. College Deans
    1. Dean Pete Kelly, CoE
    2. Dean Keith Mellinger, CAS
    3. Dean Lynne Richardson, CoB
  4. SGA Representative’s Report (Aneesa Noor)
  5. SAC Representative Report (Christy Pack)
    1. SAC Report to the UFC – January 2020
  6. UFC Chair’s Report (Anand Rao)
  7. UFC Vice Chair’s Report (Andrew Dolby)
  8. Faculty Senate of Virginia (Marcel Rotter)
    1. Virginia Higher Education Advocacy Day (VHEAD) Report from FSVA President Carmen Rodriguez
      1. VHEAD Legislative Report Jan 13, 2020
      2. Faculty Salary Ratings by Peer Institutions
      3. Diversity, Inclusion, Transparency Position Paper
      4. Budget Position Paper
      5. UPDATED: Legislative Report (1/24/20) – includes reference to budget amendment for faculty salary increase
  9. Guest Report from Dr. Paul Binkley, Exec Director of the Center for Career & Professional Development
    1. Student Employment Working Group
  10. University Committees – minutes, reports, and action items
      1. University Academic Affairs Committee
        1. UAAC Draft Meeting Minutes – January 16, 2020
        2. Changes to Admission Requirements for the MSGA Program
        3. UAAC Memo – PHYD 130
        4. VCCS-GAA Proposed GPA Change
          1. Guaranteed Admission Agreement with VCCS and UMW (final edits) – previously approved agreement with marked changes reflective of above motion
      2. University Budget Advisory Committee
        1. UBAC 16-Jan-2020 MINUTES
          1. Enrolllment Management Report to BOV_ September 2019
          2. Enrollment Management Update_Board of Visitors_February 2019
          3. Strategic Enrollment Plan_BOV Nov 2016 (2)
      3. University Curriculum Committee
        1. UCC Meeting Minutes – December 11, 2019
      4. University Faculty Affairs Committee
        1. UFAC Meeting Minutes – January 23, 2020
      5. University Faculty Organization Committee
        1. UFOC Meeting Minutes – January 21, 2020
        2. UFOC Report on Faculty Governance
      6. University General Education Committee
        1. Gen Ed Meeting Minutes – November 20, 2019
      7. University Sabbaticals, Fellowships & Faculty Awards Committee
        1. Meeting Minutes January 13, 2020
      8. University Student Affairs & Campus Life Advisory Committee
        1. Meeting Minutes – January 22, 2020
      9. Bachelor of Liberal Studies (BLS) Committee
        1. no report
      10. Distance and Blended Learning Committee
        1. D&BL Online Meeting Minutes – January 2020
      11. First Year Seminar Committee
        1. Meeting Minutes – Dec 19, 2019
      12. Honors Program Committee
        1. no report
      13. James Farmer Multicultural Center Advisory Committee
        1. no report
      14. Journalism Advisory Committee
        1. no report
      15. Speaking Intensive Committee
        1. SI Committee Action Items – January 21, 2020
      16. Teaching Center Advisory Committee
        1. TCAC Meeting Minutes – December 2, 2020
      17. Writing Intensive Committee
        1. WI Committee Meeting Minutes – January 22, 2020

IV. Unfinished Business

  1. Motion: Changes to Section 6 “Faculty Evaluation Procedures” of the Faculty Handbook – motion from UFAC after consideration of faculty evaluation procedures. [sent back to UFAC for further consideration at Dec 4, 2019, UFC meeting – still under consideration by UFAC]. Included here are:
    1. Section 6 – Track Changes Document
    2. Section 6 – Revised Copy
  2. Faculty Governance – [moved to planning for the General Faculty Meeting under New Business]
  3. Motion: Mid-Semester Progress Reports –[sent back to UFAC for proposed changes to the Faculty Handbook at Dec 4, 2019, UFC meeting –  UFAC Meeting Minutes – January 23, 2020 – with recommended changes for the motion]

V. New Business

  1. Action Items – curricular approval recommendations from the FSEM Committee, Distance & Blended Learning Committee, Speaking Intensive Committee,  General Education Committee (from Nov 20, 2019, meeting minutes)
  2. Action Items – General Education Committee – New Approved January 2020 General Education Courses – Amended
  3. Action Items – curricular approval recommendations from the University Curriculum Committee on December 11, 2019, including 24 courses, 16 program changes, and 2 new concentrations
  4. Motion: Changes to Admission Requirements for the MSGA Program – motion from UAAC.
  5. Motion: Change in Faculty Handbook Language to allow PHYD 130 to be offered for a grade – motion from UAAC.
  6. Motion: VCCS-GAA Proposed GPA Change – motion from UAAC
    1. Guaranteed Admission Agreement with VCCS and UMW (final edits) – this is a copy of the previously approved agreement with changes marked.
  7. Motion: Revise Faculty Handbook language to reflect that the UFOC will initiate the placement of student representatives on committees – motion from UFOC.
  8. Motion: Shorten time limits for elections when they are used to fill positions on ad hoc committees – motion from UFOC.
  9. Update on Appendix F from the CAS Faculty Council.
    1. Appendix F with reflected changes
  10. General Faculty Meeting on February 5, 2020 –
    1. Draft Agenda
    2. Proposed Changes to Faculty Governance

VI. Announcements

The General Faculty Meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 5, 2020, at 4pm in the HCC Digital Auditorium.

VII. Adjournment

The next UFC meeting will be held on February 26, 2020, from 3:30-5:30pm in the HCC Digital Auditorium.

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