UFC Agenda – September 25, 2019

Digital Auditorium (HCC), 3:30-5:30pm

I. Call to Order

II. Meeting Minutes –

September 11, 2019 special meeting

III. Reports

  1. President Paino
    1. President’s Report to the UFC, September 25, 2019
    2. President’s Report to the BOV, September 13, 2019
      1. Capital Projects Report to the BOV
      2. Capital Outlay Progress Photos for BOV
      3. 2019-2020 Presidential Priorities
  2. Provost Mikhalevsky
    1. Provost’s Report to the UFC, September 25, 2019
    2. Provost’s Report to the BOV, Sept 13, 2019
  3. College Deans
    1. Dean Pete Kelly, CoE
      1. CoE Dean’s Report to the UFC
    2. Dean Keith Mellinger, CAS
    3. Dean Lynne Richardson, CoB – in conjunction with the Center for Career and Professional Development, the COB has launched The EDGE, a career readiness/professional development program for business students (attached).  Pat Fillipone ’88 will serve as the Executive-in-Residence on 10/17/19.  The 3rd Annual College of Business Alumni Awards event, recognizing nine MWC/UMW alumni, will be held on 10/18/19 (tickets are available!).
      1. The EDGE – 2019-2020 Calendar
  4. SGA Representative’s Report (Aneesa Noor)
  5. SAC Representative Report (Christy Pack)
    1. SAC September 2019 Newsletter
  6. UFC Chair’s Report (Anand Rao)
    1. Chair’s Report to UFC, September 25, 2019
    2. Faculty Representative’s Report to the BOV, September 13, 2019
  7. UFC Vice Chair’s Report (Andrew Dolby)
  8. Faculty Senate of Virginia (Marcel Rotter)
    1. Report from UMW Representative and FSVA Treasurer, Marcel Rotter
  9. University Libraries Report – Rosemary Arneson, University Librarian will be available to answer questions on:
    1. Library Annual Report 2019
    2. UMW Libraries Collections Expenditures Summary
  10. Farmer Legacy Council – Juliette Landphair, Vice President for Student Affairs will be available to answer questions on:
    1. Farmer Legacy 2020: A Centennial Celebration and Commitment to Action
  11. University Committees – minutes, reports, and action items
    1. University Academic Affairs Committee
      1. April 3, 2019 Meeting Minutes
    2. University Budget Advisory Committee
      1. none
    3. University Curriculum Committee
      1. Minutes from September 19, 2019 – including action items to approve two new programs and nine new courses
    4. University Faculty Affairs Committee
      1. Minutes from September 12, 2019
    5. University Faculty Organization Committee
      1. Minutes from September 11, 2019
      2. Action Items – see below under Unfinished and New Business
    6. University General Education Committee
      1. Minutes from September 4, 2019
      2. Minutes from April 10, 2019
      3. Call for Proposals for Designation in the New General Education Curriculum
        1. General Education Course Proposal Form
        2. Digital Intensive Proposal Form
        3. General Education Curriculum Student Learning Outcomes
    7. University Sabbaticals, Fellowships & Faculty Awards Committee
      1. Minutes from September 11, 2019
    8. University Student Affairs & Campus Life Advisory Committee
      1. none
    9. Bachelor of Liberal Studies (BLS) Committee
      1. BLS Committe Meeting Minutes- Sept 6, 2019 (BLS-Gen-Ed-Chart)
    10. Distance and Blended Learning Committee
      1. September 2019 Online D&BL Minutes
    11. First Year Seminar Committee
      1. Minutes from August 29, 2019
    12. Honors Program Committee
      1. Action Items of the Honors Program Committee, September 6, 2019
      2. Minutes of the Honors Program Committee, September 6, 2019
    13. James Farmer Multicultural Center Advisory Committee
      1. Minutes of September 11, 2019 meeting
      2. Programming Report, September 11, 2019
      3. Minutes of April 24, 2019 meeting
      4. Programming Report, April 24, 2019
    14. Journalism Advisory Committee
      1. Minutes from August 19, 2019
      2. Minutes from August 26, 2019
    15. Speaking Intensive Committee
      1. SI Committee Action Items – September 18, 2019
    16. Teaching Center Advisory Committee
      1. Minutes from Sept 10, 2019
    17. Writing Intensive Committee
      1. Writing Intensive Committee Action Items 9-11-19
      2. Writing Intensive Committee Meeting Minutes 9-11-19
      3. Writing Intensive Committee Meeting Minutes 8-22-19

IV. Unfinished Business

University Faculty Organizational Committee:  The following two action items were submitted to the UFC for its April 15, 2019, meeting. The UFC lost quorum before they could be considered.

  1. Action Item Contingent Faculty recommendation: This motion is to include on UFC someone at the rank of Adjunct, Professional Development Adjunct or Visiting, as an at-large member, to be compensated monetarily. The UFC tabled this motion (April 15, 2019)[2019-2020 Faculty Handbook PDF]
  2. Action Item Teaching Center Advisory Committee recommendation: This motion revises the Teaching Center Advisory Committee membership to reflect all three colleges; inclusion of charge to review grant proposals; creation of Teaching & Learning Roundtable to meet twice a semester, comprised of individuals representing various centers on campus. The UFC tabled this motion (April 15, 2019)

Continued Discussion of Faculty Governance Plans for 2019-2020 and Recommendations to Improve Faculty Governance

  1. Copy of CASFC email about September 18, 2019 meeting, making reference to discussion about restructuring CAS faculty governance structures and practices
  2. Copy of email from John Morello regarding curriculum approval process – Sept 19, 2019; CourseLeaf Catalog CIM Brochure

V. New Business

  1. Action Items: University Curriculum Committee  recommendation- to approve two new programs and nine new courses, all in the College of Education
  2. Action Item: BLS Committee recommendation – to approve new BLS General Education requirements (see BLS-Gen-Ed-Chart)
  3. Action Items: Distance and Blended Learning Committee recommendation – new courses to be taught online or majority-online
  4. Action Items: Honors Program Committee recommendation – new courses to be designated as Honors
  5. Action Items: Speaking Intensive Committee recommendation – new courses to be designated as SI
  6. Action Items: Writing Intensive Committee recommendation – new courses to be designated as WI
  7. Resolution in support of the Campus Community Response Team – approved and submitted by the CAS Faculty Council.
  8.  Action Item: University Faculty Organization Committee. Honors Program Committee recommendation: This motion revises the Honors Program Committee membership to reflect the ex officio status of the Honors Program Director on the committee; revision of duties to reflect current nature of the Honors Program.

VI. Announcements

VII. Adjournment

The next UFC meeting will be held on October 23, 2019, from 3:30-5:30pm in the HCC Digital Auditorium.

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