This meeting will be held through a Zoom meeting, and will start at 3:30pm. The link will be distributed to faculty and staff with the agenda. If others are interested in watching the meeting via zoom, please contact the UFC Chair, Anand Rao, via email ( in advance of the meeting.
All will initially be muted when they enter the meeting. To be recognized to speak, please indicate so in the meeting Chat box.
I. Call to Order
II. Meeting Minutes –
UFC Meeting – Minutes – March 25 2020 – [approved]
III. Reports
- President Paino
- Provost Mikhalevsky
- College Deans
- Dean Pete Kelly, CoE
- Dean Keith Mellinger, CAS
- Dean Lynne Richardson, CoB
- SGA Representative’s Report (Aneesa Noor)
- SAC Representative Report (Christy Pack)
- UFC Chair’s Report (Anand Rao)
- UFC Vice Chair’s Report (Andrew Dolby)
- Faculty Senate of Virginia (Marcel Rotter)
- University Committees – minutes, reports, and action items [approved]
- University Academic Affairs Committee
- no report
- University Budget Advisory Committee
- University Curriculum Committee
- no report
- University Faculty Affairs Committee
- no report
- University Faculty Organization Committee
- no report
- University General Education Committee
- no report
- University Sabbaticals, Fellowships & Faculty Awards Committee
- University Student Affairs & Campus Life Advisory Committee
- Bachelor of Liberal Studies (BLS) Committee
- no report
- Distance and Blended Learning Committee
- April 2020 Online Meeting Minutes
- Action item regarding Fall 2020 Approved Courses expected
- First Year Seminar Committee
- Honors Program Committee
- James Farmer Multicultural Center Advisory Committee
- Journalism Advisory Committee
- no report
- Speaking Intensive Committee
- Teaching Center Advisory Committee
- Writing Intensive Committee
- no report
- University Academic Affairs Committee
IV. Unfinished Business
- Action Item Contingent Faculty recommendation: This motion is to include on UFC someone at the rank of Adjunct, Professional Development Adjunct or Visiting, as an at-large member, to be compensated monetarily. We anticipate that this motion will remain tabled. [tabled]
- Motion: Changes to Section 6 “Faculty Evaluation Procedures” of the Faculty Handbook [approved]– motion from UFAC after consideration of faculty evaluation procedures, updated to reflect feedback from university counsel and the Provost’s Office. Included here are:
- Section 6 – Track Changes Document
- Section 6 – Revised Copy
- Please provide your feedback for on this Google doc
- The following motion was passed in discussion related to consideration of item #2:
- Motion: Clarify Language in Section 6.2.2 of the Faculty Handbook – presented during discussion of previous motion – passed unanimously (one member was not present)
- Reconfiguration of the General Education Committee. In this discussion, the UFC will consider both a proposal for a ‘super Gen Ed committee’ as well as proposals for Digital Intensive and Community Engagement Committees.[tabled]
- Digital Intensive Proposal
- Community Engagement Proposal
- Please provide your feedback on this Google doc
- The following two motions were passed in discussion related to consideration of item #3:
- Motion: Creation of an Ad Hoc Digital Intensive Committee for 2020-2021 – passed unanimously
- Motion: Charge General Education Committee with Review of Community Engagement (CE) Proposals – passed unanimously
V. New Business
Included with most items below is a link to a Google doc that is intended for faculty to use to provide feedback on this motion/issue. UFC will also post updates on these documents, and appreciates your feedback in advance of our meeting.
- Action Item: Honors Program (course designation); Speaking Intensive Committee (change to Learning Outcome, new SI Online Course Proposal Form); Distance & Blended Learning Committee (approval of two online course designations for Fall 2020) [approved]
- Motion: Approval of Summer 2020 Remote Teaching Course Proposals. (updated at noon, April 15, 2020) Feedback from members of the Distance & Blended Learning Committee on the course proposals. The UFC will act on the proposals. Please provide your feedback on this Google doc [approved]
- Motion: AMEND – End of the Year Faculty Meeting to be Held Electronically– to amend the motion approved at the March 25, 2020, UFC meeting to provide an electronic procedure to use in place of the General Faculty Meeting scheduled for April 22, 2020. Submitted by Anand Rao. Please provide your feedback on this Google doc [approved]
- Update on Appendix F from the CAS Faculty Council.
- Motion: Addition of a UFC meeting to be held on Wednesday, May 13, 2020. Submitted by Anand Rao. As the BOV will not meet until May 8th, an additional UFC meeting should be planned to consider any matters of business coming from the BOV meeting, as well as to consider any business related to Summer or Fall 2020 planning. Please provide your feedback on this Google doc [approved]
- Election of officers for 2020-2021. Given that some UFC positions are not yet filled, we will discuss the option of scheduling the election of officers in May, 2020.
VI. Announcements
VII. Adjournment
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