August 19 UFC Draft Agenda Outline – AY 2022/2023
- Lunch (45 minutes)
- Election of Secretary (5 minutes)
- Provost Update (5-10 minutes)
- Admissions, Marketing, and Enrollment Updates
- Other
- Approve DBLC April 25 Meeting Minutes (2 minutes)
- SACSCOC Accreditation and QEP – Kimberly Young (30 minutes)
- Curriculum Workflow, Processes, and Deadlines (10 minutes)
- Faculty Workload and Morale (30 minutes)
- Discuss faculty governance structure/restructuring to remove redundancy; unravel complexities of shared faculty governance system
- Strategic Direction and New/Upcoming Challenges (30 minutes)
- How to shift resources in the direction of changing program needs? What else can we do?
- Early retirement?
- Interdisciplinary programs/Collaborations?
- Further integrate academics with CCE?
- How to shift resources in the direction of changing program needs? What else can we do?
- Additional old business (Remaining Time)
- Finalize Midterm eval/grades discussion
- Revisit pre-COVID discussion on DFW courses – how to support faculty teaching these courses
- Building a year-long schedule rather than semester-by-semester
- J-term and other calendar discussions – update from committee?
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