Meeting Agenda – August 16, 2022 (3:30-5pm, HCC Digital Auditorium)

August 16, 2022 (3:30-5pm, HCC Digital Auditorium)

This is a special UFC planning meeting. As always, the UFC meeting is open to all. University and standing committee officers are especially encouraged to attend, as we will discuss faculty governance for the coming year.

Meeting Agenda

I. Call to Order, 3:00 p.m. (Rachel Graefe-Anderson)

II. Welcome to new UFC members and University committee leadership (3 minutes)

III. Approval of minutes, April 13, 2021  (2 minutes)

IV. Election of Vice Chair (2 minutes)

V. Election of Secretary (5 minutes)

VI. UFC representative to UCC (5 minutes)

VII. On-line course approvals, from Distance & Blended Learning Committee (10 minutes)

VIII. Discuss meeting modalities and timing (15 minutes)

IX. Discuss agenda for Friday August 19 retreat (5 minutes)

X. Additional points of discussion/questions? (remaining time)

XI. Adjournment 5pm

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