UFC Agenda – March 25, 2020

UFC Agenda – March 25, 2020

All will initially be muted when they enter the meeting. To be recognized to speak, please indicate so in the meeting Chat box.

I. Call to Order

II. Meeting Minutes –

UFC Meeting – Draft Minutes – February 26 2020

III. Reports

  1. President Paino
  2. Provost Mikhalevsky
  3. College Deans
    1. Dean Pete Kelly, CoE
      1. CoE Report – March 24, 2020
    2. Dean Keith Mellinger, CAS
    3. Dean Lynne Richardson, CoB
  4. SGA Representative’s Report (Aneesa Noor)
  5. SAC Representative Report (Christy Pack)
  6. UFC Chair’s Report (Anand Rao)
  7. UFC Vice Chair’s Report (Andrew Dolby)
  8. Faculty Senate of Virginia (Marcel Rotter)
  9. University Committees – minutes, reports, and action items  [approved]
      1. University Academic Affairs Committee
        1. no report
      2. University Budget Advisory Committee
        1. no report
      3. University Curriculum Committee
        1. no report
      4. University Faculty Affairs Committee
        1. Meeting Minutes – March 12, 2020
      5. University Faculty Organization Committee
        1. no report
      6. University General Education Committee
        1. no report
      7. University Sabbaticals, Fellowships & Faculty Awards Committee
        1. no report
      8. University Student Affairs & Campus Life Advisory Committee
        1. Draft Meeting Minutes – Feb 20, 2020
      9. Bachelor of Liberal Studies (BLS) Committee
        1. no report
      10. Distance and Blended Learning Committee
        1. no report
      11. First Year Seminar Committee
        1. no report
      12. Honors Program Committee
        1. Action Items – Feb 17, 2010
      13. James Farmer Multicultural Center Advisory Committee
        1. Meeting Minutes – March 9, 2020
      14. Journalism Advisory Committee
        1. no report
      15. Speaking Intensive Committee
        1. no report
      16. Teaching Center Advisory Committee
        1. no report
      17. Writing Intensive Committee
        1. no report

IV. Unfinished Business

  1. Motion: Changes to Section 6 “Faculty Evaluation Procedures” of the Faculty Handbook [tabled]– motion from UFAC after consideration of faculty evaluation procedures. [sent back to UFAC for further consideration at Dec 4, 2019, UFC meeting – still under consideration by UFAC as the committee awaits feedback from university counsel]. Included here are:
    1. Section 6 – Track Changes Document
    2. Section 6 – Revised Copy
  2. Action Item Contingent Faculty recommendation: [tabled] This motion is to include on UFC someone at the rank of Adjunct, Professional Development Adjunct or Visiting, as an at-large member, to be compensated monetarily. Update referenced under the UFC Chair’s Report. The UFC tabled this motion at its Sept 25, 2019 meeting.

V. New Business

Included with most items below is a link to a Google doc that is intended for faculty to use to provide feedback on this motion/issue. UFC will also post updates on these documents, and appreciates your feedback in advance of our meeting.

    1. Action Item: Honors Program – Feb 17, 2020 [approved]
    2. UPDATED Motion: Allow Credit/Pass/No Credit for All Courses in Spring 2020 [approved]- (link to previous motion to allow pass/fail grades; link to first Credit/No Credit proposal linked here, too)Please check the update to the previously posted motion, providing a new option – credit/no credit. This motion follows the lead of other institutions that have decided to make all course grades pass/fail for Spring 2020; an important difference is that this motion will allow students to make that determination for any, or all, of their courses. Submitted by Anand Rao. Please provide feedback on this motion on this Google doc. A separate Google doc has been created that provides valuable student feedback – please review so that we can incorporate student views into our consideration of this motion. Also see COB Faculty Feedback – PassFail Spring 2020.
    3. Motion: Summer 2020 Approval Process for Remote Teaching [approved] – provide faculty teaching in-person courses in Summer 2020 the authority to teach those courses remotely should the university not offer in-person classes. This is a draft Google form that could be used for this designation process. Submitted by Anand Rao. Please provide feedback on this motion on this Google doc.
    4. Motion: Allow for the End of the Year Faculty Meeting to be Held Electronically [approved] – to provide an electronic procedure to use in place of the General Faculty Meeting scheduled for April 22, 2020. Submitted by Anand Rao. Please provide feedback on this motion on this Google doc.
    5. Motion: Faculty Governance Approval Processes [approved] – to provide a process for faculty governance action outside of the published meeting schedule; intended for the remainder of Spring 2020 and Summer 2020; must be reviewed by next year’s UFC at its first meeting. Submitted by Anand Rao. Please provide feedback on this motion on this Google doc.
    6. Motion (passed by UFC) One-Year Optional Extension for Promotion & Tenure [approved]. This is the submitted motion from the CAS P&T Committee– to provide this option to candidates for tenure and promotion, given the disruption of both in-person classes and access to university facilities and other research facilities. Prepared by the CAS P&T Committee, submitted by Anand Rao. Please provide feedback on this motion on this Google doc.
    7. Discussion of teaching evaluations for Spring 2020. A number of faculty have raised concerns about the collection and use of any teaching evaluations for courses taught in Spring 2020. The administration is aware of these concerns, and the Provost is developing guidelines for Spring 2020. This discussion will provide an opportunity for faculty feedback. No motion is currently proposed. Please provide feedback on this issue on this Google doc.

VI. Announcements

VII. Adjournment

The next UFC meeting will be held online on April 15, 2020, from 3:30-5:30pm.

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