
The UFC will alternate modality (virtual vs. face-to-face) for its monthly meetings for AY 2023-2024.  Below is the meeting schedule with modality noted for each. August 22, 4pm – In Person (202 Woodard) September 20, 4pm – Zoom October 18, 4pm – In Person (location TBD) November 15, 4pm – Zoom January 24, 4pm – In Person (HCC Digital Auditorium) February 21, 4pm – Zoom March 20, 4pm – In Person (HCC Digital Auditorium) April 17, 4pm – Zoom A full listing of scheduled faculty and committee meeting dates can be found here: Schedule of Faculty and Committee Meeting Dates 2023-2024   UFC membership for 2023-2024: College of Arts & Sciences – Arts & Humanities (3 representatives 2024 – Kate Haffey 2025 – Mara Scanlon 2026 – Michael Benson College of Arts & Sciences – Health, PE, & STEM (3 representatives) 2024 – Ian Finlayson 2025 – Davis Oldham – Vice Chair 2026 – Alex Hinsey College of Arts & … [Read more...]