This is a special UFC planning meeting, to be held from 10am-noon in the HCC Digital Auditorium. The meeting is open to all, and all university and standing committee officers are particularly encouraged to attend this discussion of faculty governance for the coming year. We have a full agenda, and I have included suggested time allocations for each portion of the meeting to ensure that we address next-steps for each item.
Draft Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Past Meeting Minutes from April 15, 2019 (5 minutes)
III. Election of UFC Officers for 2019-2020 (10 minutes)
- UFC Chair
- UFC Vice-Chair
- UFC Secretary
- UFC Parliamentarian
IV. Faculty Governance Plans for 2019-2020 (25 minutes)
- Motion to create a UFC Executive Committee
- Use of General Faculty Meetings
- Setting the Faculty Governance Agenda – including agenda items for university committees
V. Discussion of Gen Ed – LOs and Course Approval Timeline (30 minutes)
- Timeline for Approval of the Gen Ed Learning Outcomes and Courses
- Gen Ed Student Learning Outcomes – Report from the General Education Committee
VI. Discussion of UFOC Recommendations to Improve Faculty Governance (30 minutes)- the discussion will focus on procedures for consideration and possible implementation. We will also consider the following related suggestions:
- Revised Gen Ed Committee Composition
- Regularized Deadlines for Course Submissions and Approvals
VII. Issues for Agenda Consideration (20 minutes)
- Day on Democracy/ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge – Voter Engagement Plan from the Center for Community Engagement and a flyer for UMW Votes.
- Parking Study – response from the Staff Advisory Council
- Campus Environment Committee – scheduling a time for UFC members to participate in a focus group
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